Biomass Briquettes

What are briquettes?

Research & Development
We are continuously doing Research and Development work while making briquettes depending on the raw material available to us. The raw material resources determine the output calorific value of the biomass briquettes and hence a through R&D work is required for making biomass briquettes.

Raw Materials
Making briquettes from biomass is a continuous improvement process we go through using various biomass raw materials. Currently we are mostly focusing on industrial waste such as sawdust and rice-husk as our key source of raw material while we try to add in other biomass waste also such as forest waste and agro-waste depending upon the availability of the feedstock.

Production Process
We have a through production line to insure that our briquettes are of high quality. We are currently making sure that our briquettes contain very less moisture content so as to emit less smoke during the start of the fire. We also dry our feedstock thoroughly.